Thursday, May 12, 2011

Made something.

Soo I did paint something this week. I am posting it now but I'll be using it for this week's Paint Party Friday. Don't forget to check out what everyone else does tomorrow too!

So I painted this.

Which is, of course, on sale at my Etsy shop. So check that out.
It says "I paid $40,000 dollars for an education, and all I got was this crappy job". I have a few qualms with it. I feel like maybe I should've made her bigger for better use of the canvas. Her head is alllllll wrong, as is her face, and it looks way too cartoony for my liking. 

And most of all, the writing on her apron is hard to read. Which is the point of the piece. It's supposed to be very contrasted and clear to make a blunt statement like this one.
Anyways that is very how much how I feel right now. Like I can't get a real job, trapped with crappy jobs at the age of 24 with a degree. Sigh.

Anywho. I may redo this I dunno. But that's the only decently large canvas I had (16" x 18") so it won't be anytime soon.

I took a few photos of the process to share. 

First I used a pencil to roughly shape out how I wanted the waitress to be moving.
 Then I redrew her with pencil with correct anatomy and outlined the toughest parts in pen.
Then I made a full ink drawing of how I wanted her to look.

Then I drew it on canvas and painted it. And voila. Art.


  1. nice work! don't give up about the job search, I think that's the secret is to keep looking and never give up even when you are discouraged.

  2. You should do a whole series of these and release a collection on Etsy, make it grand!

  3. Don't be disheartened - I know it must seem like a waste of education the way jobs and the economy are now but I keep telling myself it has to get better and when it does you'll be right there getting the job you worked hard to get. In the meantime - keep on turning out these great witty pieces!

  4. Sorry you're feeling disheartened about your painting and about your job situation. Have faith and you'll find the right job. Glad you're still creating.

  5. I love your painting and, for what its worth, I agree with you critique and suggest you gesso over and do her again as you want her. I think you will be happier with her and yes make a series!

  6. Hey, this is a great job well done!! I love it! I like that you are painting your feelings and why not. We get the pleasure of seeing your work with all the soul you've put into it. Good job. Don't worry, something will come along when you least expect it. Happy PPF and have a great weekend.

  7. I think it is a great statement just as it stands. And really all the parts contribute to the whole. I'd leave this one as is. Happy PPF!

  8. I didn't post for ppf yet but i wanted to check out the party.
    You did a great job on this I think you should make it into t-shirts and aprons. Start your own business. By the way I saw this today on the internet and thought of you. I don't know if it's any good but you could give it a try. It's called
    Have a great weekend!

  9. I know the feeling!! I took graphic design and though I am fortunate to have been able to have always worked in the field, I make as much as my friends who didn't go to school - it was not the lucrative path I took!

  10. Nice work and don't feel disheartened. You'll get there with your determination and hard work. ;)

  11. Your too hard on yourself! It is an expression of yourself. Its wonderful!

  12. Its great that you have your art to express your feelings. This is such a fab piece. Hope things get better for you on the job front. Annette x

  13. happy PPF!! great piece!! i agree you should do a series of these!

  14. Every painting of a person doesn't have to be anatomically correct - there's so much room for interpretation. I like that the other people are just vague shapes. If the empty top of the canvas bothers you maybe you could paint in some indication of a coffee shop - signage or something- but in the same somewhat vague way as the people. A series could be fun....
    It's my first PPF and I'm enjoying seeing everyone's contributions!

  15. Love yor statement. i agree that maybe you should do a series!

  16. It's a fabulous piece. Very effective. The curves of her body would hide those words in real life so it's actually your excellent skill that captured the apron so well.

    I hope you find something fitting of your education soon!

  17. I think jobs are not easily found and it takes time, even for ones who don't have a degree. I think your art work though has much potential in making some revenue for the immediate time; do try to make a series to sell on Etsy....worth a try. Great ink drawing, like it very much!


  18. Well I LOVE this piece, as I do ALL of your art. I just hate that you are having such a hard time with the job search.

  19. Hope you will be able to find a job that will enable you to use your gifts and grow. Patsy from

  20. Very gotten the movement ...Saludos

  21. Nice job! I like it. Trust me we've all been there at one point or another. It's hard to be in the land of crappy jobs, but it will get better. Hang in there!
