Sunday, July 31, 2011

Existing lenore exists

Ahhhh it's been so long! I have been busybusybusybusy. I now have two jobs. And Lora and Smitty were in town for a visit this week (Yaaaaay). And my brothers wedding is next week!!! And I am a bridesmaid. Busy!

Buttt in the meantime, here is proof that I am doing things. I paints.

Painty Lenore paints. Crappy photograph. But I will post some pictures of the wedding. Until then! Adieu.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Canada wha

Brief update. Canada day in the capital was awesome, I would suggest it to anyone.

I started the day down on Parliament hill. It was hooooot and sunny. We saw William and Kate come in (yawn who cares) and Stephen Harper (booooo) and saw some concerts and stuff it was pretty cool.

Paper hats prevent sunstroke!!
Paper hat fail. 

Then I did a variety of other activities, which included poutine, ice cream, sitting in the shade on Majors hill listening to some bands, going to a BBQ. 
Then... Fireworks!

If you look down Rideau street you will see that the crowds are endless.
There were 3 or 400,000 people there.