Monday, May 16, 2011

How rainclouds are made?

So I bought some neat gritty acrylic stuff today and I made this painting while playing with it.

As always, on sale at my Etsy shop. 
Also I've been watching Boy Meets World from the beginning. Does anyone remember that show? Did it shape anyone elses childhood the way it did mine? TGIFridays? Awesomeness.


  1. Loving this, such great whimsy.

  2. Very nice! It is raining here and I am not a fan of rain, but your painting gives it a mystery and a pleasing aura! :-)

  3. LOve that she's enjoying the rain and her cigarette! hmmm, tgif fridays, I may be a bit older than you , but it sounds familiar! hee! have a good night. xo

  4. Love the painting! And yes, I used to dieee for Boy Meets World. Lora & Paul watched the entire series last summer and I was painfully jealous, and I now transfer that jealousy onto you. (with love.)

  5. Loves the painting!

    And you knowsss I die for Boy Meets World! Are there people in the world who don't?! I used to be so envious of Topanga's hair. ♥

  6. Lovely work!

    Yes, it practically raised me. Mr. Feeney was my mentor.

  7. As always, LOVE the painting! Will have to check out Boy Meets World.
