Thursday, March 3, 2011

Lists, dogbrellas, art projects and things that make me happy!

My lovely friend Sarah made a blog post about this:

I thought it was a great idea! So I'm jumping on the bandwagon a day late. So today's list was things I'm good at. Here goes!
Things I'm Good At:

So hopefully I will actually keep up with these 30 days of lists. I think it will be fun!
Don't forget to check out my art project Free art! I'm really excited about it and I'm hoping that it'll get off the ground. Everytime I make a blogpost on that I will update on here and Twitter and Facebook. So spread the word! And blog and tweet and facebook about it so lots of people are aware of it. Okay enough senseless self-promotion. 

Sarah also mentioned the things that made her happy this week so...
Things that made me happy this week:

- Waking up with both a puss and a puppers in my bed every morning.
- Starting this new art project!
- Hearing from good friends and people I love back home. <3
- Watching girly movies with Amber all Monday when we had freezing rain so her and Frank stayed home from work.
- Finishing The Devil and Miss Prynn by Paulo Coelho finally. Great read! I suggest.

Oh and we're totally getting this for Monty, he hates the rain because he's a princess.

 <3 Lenore